Saturday Morning Caffeine Cruise:Deep Eddy Time
Ride Leader: Corina
Meet Up: Beto’s Mexican Restaurant patio, 3518 E 7th St
Meet-up Time: 10:30am, arrive early for food
Wheels down at 11:30am
End: The Iron Bear, 301 W 6th St
Gravel: Possibly Light gravel, but nothing road bikes can’t handle
Bring: Lights, Locks, ID, and Cash for snacks/drinks.
Social Cycling Austin rides AS traffic and NOT AGAINST it. We stop at red lights, yield the right of way and let cars pass as best we can. We don’t block intersections. We are nice to both our fellow riders and the other traffic on the road. LISTEN TO the volunteers helping to lead the ride. They are some nice folks and have your best interest in mind.
If you have any questions about the rules, see: []
REMINDER: The goal has always been to create a safe environment for all riders, but we cannot control, nor do we desire to, every rider’s behavior. We promote personal responsibility, and it is each rider’s responsibility to take care of themselves, and if they choose to ride with us, then they accept those risks inherent in riding a bicycle with a large group of other people riding bicycles.
@socialcyclingaustin #socialcyclingaustin #smcc #saturdayvibes #atxbikes #atxbikelife #SaturdayMorningCaffeineCruise