Green Label Party
What better way to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day than at a Green Label Party!
We’re throwing a little Sunday bash in honor of our new Green Label Series.
Special Beers On Tap:
Green Label Series: Alpha – West Coast IPA
Bob’s Lucky Lager – Green Light Lager
Beta Beta Test Batch:
Get a sneak peek at our next Green Label Series, Beta Hazy IPA.
We’ll have two batches for you to try: Beta 1 and Beta 2. Each is the same IPA but with a different dry-hop regimen, one more classic and one more experimental.
Your input will help shape how we brew these new beers, so you know it’s likely to be something you’ll enjoy!
Food Specials:
TBD – Keep an eye on our social media pages for more info as the date approaches.
Swing by March 16th from 12-8pm and join us on the journey of this new series of IPAs.
East Austin sour-mash brewery. Open tasting room, regular hours, & brewery tours. Sour-mashing your favorite beer styles into new experiences.